Are You Renting or Owning Your Life?


When it comes to your life, your dreams, your ambitions are you renting or owning? Do you even know the difference?

Think about it, when a renter has a problem they call the landlord to come fix the problem and hopes it gets taken care of soon. An owner assumes responsibility and takes charge of the solution. A renter doesn’t concern themselves with upkeep and maintenance because they are not thinking about the long term. An owner takes pride in their home, they invest in it, upgrade it, decorate it for themselves. An owner not only takes responsibility but they understand the value and potential return on their investment.

So now think about your life, your income, your dreams, your business, your relationships. Are you renting or owning them? Are you making the investment to constantly improve? Do you have a long term plan that you are consistently working towards?  Have you created a vision with short and long term goals in these vital areas of your life? Or are you waiting for someone else to make it happen, till you have more time, till you make more money. Owners don’t think this way, they make a plan, they invest in themselves and take action.

So the question really is, why not? What are you waiting for? What is stopping you. Many of us have limiting beliefs about ourselves or our situations that can crush our dreams and our ability to take action. We are not good enough, smart enough, rich enough, or attractive enough. We lack the skills, money and time to do it. It’s simply not true.  If you want it bad enough you can make it happen. Become an owner!

What would it feel like if you were owning these areas? What would be different? What if you knew with total certainty in each of these critical areas of your life that you were on track, you knew exactly where you were headed with a plan in place that had concrete milestones that you moving towards. Imagine how that power would impact your life and change the way you feel. Now see yourself at some time in the future achieving one of those dreams, see yourself in that moment, hear the sounds and feel the feelings of what it’s like to conquer something.

You can and you will. Stop renting your life and take ownership today. Get a coach, a mentor or a successful friend to help you design a plan and a strategy. You don’t have to do them all at once but pick one, the most important one and know that the momentum will build as you move towards it. Stop renting your life, it is the most valuable asset you can ever own.

I’m a High Performance Life Strategist. Clients hire me to help them get more out of their personal and professional lives and to achieve their highest levels of performance. I work on a conscious and subconscious level, employing the most powerful neurological tools available like hypnosis and NLP to eradicate fears, doubts and limiting beliefs combined with cutting edge management technology that enables you to quickly move toward and achieve your highest ambitions.

Visit me at to inquire about a free strategy session.

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