Wake up to Mindfulness

Wake UP

Are you in a trance and not realizing it? What if I told you that you are and don’t even realize it. Is it the binge watching the latest show on Netflix or I will be out of the mix trance?  The busy-ness trance of I will get to it later. It being exercise, dieting, dating, children, career change or adventure?  The wounded trance of past regrets, missed opportunities, illness or victimization that prevent you from moving ahead or truly enjoying your life and the people in it? The financial trance of making plans for “when I have the money”?

The truth is, as Dr. Milton Erickson put it,  “most of us live lives in a trance of disempowerment.” We  walk around stuck in beliefs about ourselves, beliefs about the world and beliefs about our circumstances that limit our ability to see our lives as they actually are. We all to frequently bounce from our distorted memories of the past to worries about the future without even stopping to notice what is happening around us in the very moment we are experiencing. Mindfulness practice teaches us to stop and notice our surroundings without judging them. Right here and now. Noticing our bodies and the gift of breath that comes to us easily. Noticing what we have in this moment without concern for what didn’t come before or may not appear afterwards.

A client recently shared how in the face of an upcoming major birthday and the recent passing of a dear friend, he was feeling like hadn’t amounted to as much as he’d hoped “What is your your yardstick?”, I asked him. “Money”, he replied. “I thought I’d be able to do more by now”. It turned out that for the past 20 years he had been so focused on accumulating that he had sacrificed relationships with his daughter, his girlfriend, seeing the world and enjoying his life. Now he was worrying about the size of his pension some 10 years in the future.  This is a man who makes a good living doing what he loves, lives close to the beach has a beautiful partner and a close family but has trouble connecting to that and being present for it.  Right here and now. Take a breath and ask yourself what you need right now, I suggested. “Nothing” he replied opening his eyes a moment later with a big smile. Right, I nodded.

Wake up to this moment, be awesome and discover what you already have Who you already are and what you can already contribute to this day.. Mindfulness gives us each the ability to notice our lives in the way they actually are now, not how we wish they were or wish they weren’t.

Please share this post with the people you know who would benefit the most from it. Let me know how Mindfulness has impacted your life by commenting or contact me for more information about Mindfulness Coaching for your life, career or relationships.

Learn about the Mindfulness MBA here:

Register at: https://www.hundredproofperformance.com/the-mindfulness-mba

Email me:Matthew@hundredproofperformance.com

2 thoughts on “Wake up to Mindfulness”

  1. michelle bagnato


    Trying to sign up for the Mindfulness MBA webinar and the link is not working. As well, that page in general does not seem to be complete.

    Would like to sign up for a July 27th Webinar at 4pm.

    Thank you,

    1. Matthew Jonas

      Hi Michelle,

      Thanks for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear you are having trouble with the link. We have tested it and it appears to be working on this end. We are happy to have you for the webinar and will send you a confirmation of your attendance. On a separate note, I also received your request for a consultation regarding Hypnosis. Let me know some times that would be good for you to connect and I will set up a time.

      Looking forward to working with you.

      To your best,


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