Most people walk through the world in a trance of dis-empowerment


“Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment”
– Dr. Milton Erickson

Whenever you mention the word trance, most people get a funny look on their faces. Perhaps they are imagining trance as some state of being induced by a Svengali like charlatan who manipulates and controls your mind or exerts control over your actions and decisions, but according to acclaimed Psychologist Dr. Milton Erickson the real enemy may be ourselves.

In my experience, trance is simply an altered state of consciousness that we encounter every day in many different forms. I am sure you all have experienced driving someplace and not really remembering how you got there. Perhaps you have watched a movie or a great book and got zoned out. You have probably at one time or another gotten so caught up in a project or task that you completely lost track of time. If you are an athlete, you may experience trance during a hard run, a race or a match. This altered state of consciousness is actually a trance state. The two most typical kinds of trance are often referred to as “uptime” or “downtime” and are a function of a shift in your brainwaves that enable you to focus on internal or external events at a deeper level.

There is another kind of trance that many of us experience daily as well that limits our thinking based on past negative experiences, memories and old scars. This is the trance that tells us that we are not good enough, strong enough, skinny enough, brave enough or smart enough to get that job, start that business or create that ideal relationship. These thoughts may be so deep within our subconscious mind that we don’t even realize they are there or they may be the voice in our heads that we hear repeatedly. It doesn’t matter if you are a CEO or a stay at home mom, old or young, rich or poor because this is the kind of a trance that makes you feel like whatever it is that you truly want can never be attained. This is the trance of disempowerment that Milton spoke of that keeps us stuck. It fouls our diet and exercise plans, it prevents us from speaking up, it limits our income, it shortchanges our relationships and it prevents us from having the life that we are truly capable of living.

In my practice, I work with successful people who simply want a richer and more fulfilling life. I employ a range of neurolinguistic tools and techniques to uncover, discover and discard the disempowering beliefs and install a state of empowerment that will free you from these old stories and enable you to step powerfully into your own future? Together we will create the confidence and absolute certainty you need to build the life you have always wanted.

Are you game? I’ll even guarantee the results. Take a trance on me and drop me an email:


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